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The check() function

Castor provides a check() function to ensure some requirements are met:

use Castor\Attribute\AsTask;
use Symfony\Component\Process\ExecutableFinder;

use function Castor\check;

function git()
        'Check if Git is installed',
        'Git is not installed. Please install it before.',
        fn () => (new ExecutableFinder())->find('git'),

The ProblemException exception

If you must stop a task execution because of a problem, you can throw a ProblemException exception:

use Castor\Attribute\AsTask;
use Castor\Exception\ProblemException;

use function Castor\capture;

function git()
    if (capture('git status --porcelain')) {
        throw new ProblemException('There are uncommitted changes.');

It will stop the execution of the task and display the message in the console. And it will also return a non-zero exit code (default to 1) to indicate that the task failed.