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Executing Processes

The run() function

Castor provides a run() function to execute external processes.

use Castor\Attribute\AsTask;

use function Castor\run;

function foo(): void
    run(['php', 'vendor/bin/phpunit', '--filter', 'MyTest']);

You can pass a string or an array of string for this function. When passing a string, arguments will not be escaped - use it carefully.

Process object

Under the hood, Castor uses the Symfony\Component\Process\Process object to execute the process. The run() function will return this object. So you can use the API of this class to interact with the underlying process:

use Castor\Attribute\AsTask;

use function Castor\run;

function foo(): void
    $process = run('');
    $process->isSuccessful(); // will return true if the process exited with code 0.


Related example: run.php

Processing the output

By default, Castor will forward the stdout and stderr to the current terminal. If you do not want to print the process output you can use a context with the quiet option to true:

use Castor\Attribute\AsTask;

use function Castor\context;
use function Castor\run;

function foo(): void
    run('echo "bar"', context: context()->withQuiet()); // will not print anything

You can also fetch the process output by using the returned Symfony\Component\Process\Process object:

use Castor\Attribute\AsTask;

use function Castor\context;
use function Castor\run;

function foo(): void
    $process = run('echo "bar"', context: context()->withQuiet())); // will not print anything
    $output = $process->getOutput(); // will return "bar\n"


Related example: quiet.php

The capture() function

Castor provides a capture() function that will run the process quietly, trims the output, then returns it:

use Castor\Attribute\AsTask;

use function Castor\capture;
use function Castor\io;

function whoami()
    $whoami = capture('whoami');

    io()->writeln("Hello: $whoami");


Related example: run.php

The exit_code() function

Castor provides a exit_code() function that will run the command, allowing the process to fail and return its exit code. This is particularly useful when running tasks on CI as this allows the CI to know if the task failed or not:

use Castor\Attribute\AsTask;

use function Castor\exit_code;

function cs(): int
    return exit_code('php-cs-fixer fix --dry-run');


Related example: run.php

Interactive Process

If you want to run an interactive process, you can transform any context into an interactive one:

use Castor\Attribute\AsTask;

use function Castor\run;
use function Castor\context;

function vim(): void
    run('vim', context: context()->toInteractive());


By default, Castor will use a pseudo terminal (PTY) to run the underlying process, which allows to have nice output in most cases. For some commands you may want to disable the PTY and use a TTY instead. You can do that by setting the tty option to true:

use Castor\Attribute\AsTask;

use function Castor\run;

function foo(): void
    run('echo "bar"', tty: true);


When using a TTY, the output of the command is empty in the process object (when using getOutput() or getErrorOutput()).

You can also disable the pty by setting the pty option to false. If pty and tty are both set to false, the standard input will not be forwarded to the process:

use Castor\Attribute\AsTask;

use function Castor\run;

function foo(): void
    run('echo "bar"', pty: false);