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Guard to check the version of castor

The guard_min_version() function

use function Castor\guard_min_version;


This function will throw an exception if the current version of Castor is lower (e.g. 0.10.0). That will force the user to update Castor before running the command.

This is useful when you want to use a new feature of Castor in your command. And you want to ensure that the user has the right version of Castor.


Where to put this function?

It depends on your usage. If you want to ensure that the user has the right version of Castor before running any task, you can put it in the top of your castor.php file.

If you want to ensure that the user has the right version of Castor before running a specific task, you can put it in the task function directly and check will be done only when the task is called.

You can go further with Events and Listeners to check certain conditions by checking a pattern task name.