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If you use bash, you can enable autocomplete for castor by running the following task:

castor completion | sudo tee /etc/bash_completion.d/castor

Then reload your shell.

Others shells are also supported (zsh, fish, etc). To get the list of supported shells and their dedicated instructions, run:

castor completion --help

Autocomplete arguments

You have two options to make your arguments autocompleted.

Static suggestions

In case your suggestions are fixed, you can pass them as an array in the autocomplete property of the AsArgument and AsOption attributes:

function my_task(
    #[AsArgument(name: 'argument', autocomplete: ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])]
    string $argument,
): void {

When trying to autocomplete the arguments, your shell will now suggest these values:

$ castor my-task [TAB]
bar  baz  foo

Dynamic suggestions

In case you need some logic to list the suggestions (like suggesting paths or docker services, making a database query or HTTP request to determine some values, etc.), you can use the same autocomplete property of the AsArgument and AsOption attributes to provide the function that will return the suggestions:

namespace example;

use Symfony\Component\Console\Completion\CompletionInput;

function autocomplete_argument(
    #[AsArgument(name: 'argument', autocomplete: 'example\get_argument_autocompletion')]
    string $argument,
): void {

function get_argument_autocompletion(CompletionInput $input): array
    // You can search for a file on the filesystem, make a network call, etc.

    return [


Because the syntax my_callback(...) is not allowed on attribute, you need to specify the autocomplete callback with either:

  • the string syntax (my_namespace\my_function or 'MyNamespace\MyClass::myFunction')
  • the array syntax (['MyNamespace\MyClass', 'myFunction']).

This function receives an optional Symfony\Component\Console\Completion\CompletionInput argument to allow you to pre-filter the suggestions returned to the shell.


The shell script is able to handle huge amounts of suggestions and will automatically filter the suggested values based on the existing input from the user. You do not have to implement any filter logic in the function.

You may use CompletionInput::getCompletionValue() to get the current input if that helps to improve performance (e.g. by reducing the number of rows fetched from the database).