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Log and Debug

Castor has logging capabilities. It relies on Monolog and is also configured with Symfony Console.

There are different log levels, and you can control the log level displayed with the -v option:

castor      # display level "warning" and above
castor -v   # display level "notice" and above
castor -vv  # display level "info" and above
castor -vvv # display level "debug" and above

When an error occurs, the error message is displayed and the program exits. If you need more information, you can re-run the task with the -v option.

The log() function

You can use the log() function to log a message:

use Castor\Attribute\AsTask;

use function Castor\log;

function log()
    log('Error!, this is an "error" log message.', 'error');

You can also attach a context to the log message:

use Castor\Attribute\AsTask;

use function Castor\log;

function log()
    log('Hello, I\'have a context!', 'error', context: [
        'date' => new \DateTimeImmutable(),

Log something - the right way

You may wonder when to use the log() or io() functions or even echo to output something. Here is a small guide:

  • Don't use PHP's native echo instruction, it's not a good practice;
  • Use the io() function to display something to the user thanks to Symfony's SymfonyStyle class;
  • Use the log() function when you want to add some debug information.

The logger() function

If you need to access the raw logger instance, you can get it with the logger() function:

use Castor\Attribute\AsContext;
use Castor\Context;
use Castor\Helper\PathHelper;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;

use function Castor\logger;

#[AsContext(name: 'preprod')]
function preprodContext(): Context
    logger()->pushHandler(new StreamHandler(PathHelper::getRoot() . '/preprod.log'));

    //return new Context(...);

The debug task

Castor ships a debug task that displays the current context, the root directory, the cache directory, and more information. Run with:

castor debug

If you want to define your own debug command, you can still access to the castor task with:

castor castor:debug