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Handling signals

Castor can handle signals sent to the process. This is useful to gracefully stop a task when the user presses CTRL+C or to handle other signals:

use Castor\Attribute\AsTask;

use function Castor\io;

#[AsTask(onSignals: [\SIGUSR2 => 'onSigUsr2'])]
function foo(): void
    // Do something...

function onSigUsr2(int $signal): int|false
    io()->writeln("SIGUSR2 received\n");

    return false;

Return false to continue the task, or return an integer to stop the task with this exit code.

If the task is in a namespace, you must use the fully qualified name of the function:

namespace signal;

use Castor\Attribute\AsTask;

#[AsTask(onSignals: [\SIGUSR2 => 'signal\onSigUsr2'])]
function foo(): void
    // Do something...

function onSigUsr2(int $signal): int|false
    io()->writeln('SIGUSR2 received');

    return false;