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Waiting for things

wait_for and wait_for_* functions are designed to help developers handle various case where waiting is necessary (e.g. waiting for a condition to be satisfied, for a port to be accessible, etc.).

Common parameters

The following parameters are common to most of the functions:

  • $timeout (int): Timeout duration in seconds. Default is 10 seconds.
  • $quiet (bool): Whether to suppress output. Default is false.
  • $intervalMs (int): Interval between checks in milliseconds. Default is 100.
  • $message (?string): Custom message to display before waiting. Default is null.

How to handle when the condition is met or when timeout is reached

The wait_for and wait_for_* functions throw a WaitForTimeoutException exception when the timeout is reached. You can catch this exception and handle it accordingly.


try {
    wait_for(...); // wait_for_port, wait_for_url, wait_for_http_status, etc.
} catch (WaitForTimeoutException $e) {
    // Handle timeout


The wait_for() function

The wait_for() method is a general-purpose waiting function. It takes a callback function as its first parameter, representing the condition to be met. The function will repeatedly call this callback until the condition is met or the specified timeout is reached.

    callback: function () {
        // Your custom condition/callback logic here
        return true; // Change this based on your condition
    timeout: 10,
    quiet: false,
    intervalMs: 100,
    message: 'Waiting for something to happen...',


you can also return null if you want to abort the waiting process. The function will throw an exception if the callback returns null.

The wait_for_port() function

The wait_for_port() method waits for a network port to be accessible. It checks if a connection can be established to the specified port on a given host within the specified timeout. The method allows customization by providing options such as the host.


    port: 8080,
    host: '',
    timeout: 15,
    quiet: false,
    intervalMs: 500,
    message: 'Waiting for port localhost:8080 to be accessible...',

The wait_for_url() function

The wait_for_url() method waits for a URL to be accessible. It attempts to open a connection to the specified URL within the specified timeout.

    url: '',
    timeout: 10,
    quiet: false,
    intervalMs: 200,
    message: 'Waiting for to be accessible...',

The wait_for_http_response() function

The wait_for_http_response() function waits for a specified URL to return a response assessed using a user-defined $responseChecker callback function. It allows for a detailed validation of the response content.

Example validating the status code and the response content:

    url: '',
    responseChecker: function (ResponseInterface $response) {
        return $response->getStatusCode() !== 200
        && u($response->getContent())->containsAny(['Example Domain']);
    timeout: 2,

The wait_for_http_status() function

The wait_for_http_status() function is a specialized version of wait_for_http_response(), specifically designed to monitor a URL until it returns a desired HTTP status code.


    url: '',
    status: 200,
    timeout: 10,
    quiet: false,
    intervalMs: 300,
    message: 'Waiting for to return HTTP 200',

The wait_for_docker_container() function

The wait_for_docker_container() function waits for a Docker container to be ready. It checks if the container is running and if the specified port is accessible within the specified timeout. It can also wait for a specific check to be successful, by providing a $check callback function.


    container: 'mysql-container',
    containerChecker: function ($containerId) {
        return run("docker exec $containerId mysql -uroot -proot -e 'SELECT 1'", context: context()->withAllowFailure()))->isSuccessful();
    portsToCheck: [3306]
    timeout: 30,
    quiet: false,
    intervalMs: 100,
    message: 'Waiting for my-container to be ready...',