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Listening to events

Castor provides utilities to listen and react when event happened inside your project. It allows to implement custom logic at various points in the application lifecycle.

Registering a listener

You can register a listener inside your Castor project by using the Castor\Attribute\AsListener attribute. This attribute allows you to specify the targeted event and the priority of this listener.

use Castor\Event\AfterExecuteTaskEvent;
use Castor\Event\FunctionsResolvedEvent;

#[AsListener(event: AfterExecuteTaskEvent::class)]
#[AsListener(event: FunctionsResolvedEvent::class, priority: 1)]
function my_event_listener(AfterExecuteTaskEvent|FunctionsResolvedEvent $event): void
    // Custom logic to handle the events


You can specify multiple events for a single listener.


The priority argument is optional and defaults to 0. The higher the priority, the earlier the listener will be executed.

Built-in events

Here is the built-in events triggered by Castor:

  • Castor\Event\FunctionsResolvedEvent: This event is triggered after the functions has been resolved. It provides access to an array of TaskDescriptor and SymfonyTaskDescriptor objects;

  • Castor\Event\AfterBootEvent: This event is triggered when the application is ready to execute task

  • Castor\Event\BeforeExecuteTaskEvent: This event is triggered before executing a task. It provides access to the TaskCommand instance;

  • Castor\Event\AfterExecuteTaskEvent: This event is triggered after executing a task. It provides access to the TaskCommand instance.

  • Castor\Event\ProcessCreatedEvent: This event is triggered after a process has been created by the run function but not yet started. It provides access to the Process instance.

  • Castor\Event\ProcessStartEvent: This event is triggered after a process has been started by the run function. It provides access to the Process instance.

  • Castor\Event\ProcessTerminateEvent: This event is triggered after a process has been terminated and launched inside the run function. It provides access to the Process instance.

  • Castor\Event\ContextCreatedEvent: This event is triggered after a context has been created. It allows to update the Context that will be used by the application.

Console events

Castor also provides a set of events related to the symfony console application, which can be used to listen to the console lifecycle, see the symfony documentation to learn more about the console events.